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My Millennial Babies Are Not Myths…They’re Just Misunderstood

As I watched one of the debates last year I couldn’t help but think about the similarities in how millennials shop for a candidate, and how they shop for food…and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. The irony is that there is very little difference between...

Those Are Perfectly Good Products……Why Are You Giving Them Away?

Apparently my daughter has lost her mind. Maybe it’s genetic, and if so I’m standing firm that it definitely comes from her father’s side of the family. No Taylor I know would ever just purge a whole pantry like she’s done with such callousness and disregard for the...

What Do You Think You’re Doing? That’s Not The Cheapest One…

There’s no doubt about it, COVID-19 pandemic has changed how and what my 3 Millennial children and their families have been eating. It’s been survival of the fittest and my kids love to eat. From learning how to make old family recipes to following a video and trying...

Tis the Season …..Millennial Style

It’s really hard for me to think about anything other than Christmas music right now since that’s an integral part of my “real” job….(the one that pays the bills). I prepare for the season like a veteran quarterback trains for the Super bowl and right now I’m sitting...